Eviction Process
Evictions (Writ of Possession) are scheduled as they are received. You must obtain a certified copy of a Writ of Possession from the Clerk of the Court where you filed the Dispossessory Proceeding. Note: Deputies do not assist in the physical removal of property.
Bring the Writ to the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office. Pay a fee of $25, set by Georgia law, [O.C.G.A.§ 15-16-21(b.)(12)]. Once we have the Writ and the fee, we will schedule the eviction. You must bring the Writ to our office within 30 days of issuance. If you do not schedule your eviction within 30 days [O.C.G.A.44-7-55 (d)(e)], we will return the Writ to the Clerk of Court.
A labor force of at least two people per bedroom for residential evictions is required. If you are aware that the house is full, you should increase your labor force so that the eviction can be completed in two hours. We must know if any unsafe conditions exist or may exist.
The labor required for a business eviction will be determined on a case-by-case basis. We must know the following information: if any alcohol or cigarettes (for sale) are present (such as a bar or restaurant); flammables or hazardous materials; groceries; if the power has been turned off for a long time; any other unhealthy conditions. We also need to know generally why type of items will be found at the business, especially heavy or bulky items.
HB 1203 – Request Off-Duty Assistance for Evictions: In reference to HB 1203 inquiries, please click the contact directory button below to request assistance of an approved off-duty GCSO Deputy. Please include your information, the defendants name, address you want evicted, and case number associated within the email. Download form here. Email completed form to GCSOOffDutyEvictions@GwinnettCounty.com.